Providing High Quality Trucking Services since 1946

Service Highlights
Commission Agents for Van's Interstate
Van’s Interstate specializes in full container Intermodal Drayage
Our service area includes the West side of Michigan’s lower peninsula
Haz Mat certified drivers
Customs bonded carrier
Container Yard in Grand Rapids, MI – Customs Bonded Facility
Container neutral pool strategically located in West Michigan
Drop container service for loading and un-loading at no extra charge in many locations
Track and trace imports and continuously monitor all imports and exports to ensure on time service
Confirm appointments and deliveries via phone / email or direct update to web portals
Street turns of empty equipment from imports for exports are a priority for us
Communication – we keep you informed at all times

The Container Depot and Yard
Offering Steamship Line origin and termination of empty ocean containers, and Grand Rapids, Michigan bill of ladings on Import and Export full container loads.
The Container Depot and Yard is a Steamship Line controlled Neutral Pool Facility. All equipment availability questions and termination authorizations must be handled directly with the Steamship Lines.
The amount of equipment on hand will vary by Steamship Line and seasonal demands.

Steamship Line Door and Ramp Moves
Your Steamship Line door packages are only as good as your Drayman.
We work with the majority of the Steamship Lines on a door basis already. Please consider naming Van’s Interstate as your preferred Drayman.
Compare your door rate to the combination of a ramp or CY rate and our drayage rate.
There may be ramp or CY rates established for your commodity that you can take advantage of.

West Michigan Consolidators
Offering competitive rates by rail, or direct truck between all ports and points within the Continental United Sates for your port moves.
WMC is just the right size. Large enough to offer great rates, yet small enough to give you and your load individual attention.

Warehousing, Straight Truck, Conestoga, Flatbed and Dedicated Fleet Service
Van's Logistics Service, LLC provides a broad spectrum of public and contract warehouse services in Grand Rapids, MI. Van's is currently operating approximately 300,000 square feet.
Van's Delivery Service specializes in single and multi-stop truckloads that deliver throughout our 32 State operating range that spans East of the Rocky Mountains.
What is a Door Move
What is a Ramp Move
What is a Port Move
The Steamship Line provides the transportation to your door.
To receive our service, please request us as your preferred trucker with the Steamship Line.
The Steamship Line brings the container to/from the rail in Detroit or Chicago.
The shipper or consignee hires the truck line directly to connect up between their dock and the rail. Please call or email for rates and availability.
The Steamship Line provides transportation only to/from US ports. Please consider hiring West Michigan Consolidators to make the move for you